After Weight Loss Surgery
Men and women who accomplish significant weight loss are to be commended, having overcome a big roadblock in their life. However, while their new figure represents a huge accomplishment, in many cases, they will be faced with new frustrations. This is often due to the loose skin left behind on the body. Significant weight loss generally leaves patients with skin that cannot conform to the new size. Regardless of where the loose skin resides, surgical intervention is needed to remove the issue. Double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. George A. Toledo offers after weight loss surgery for Dallas, TX men and women. This can be a life-changing treatment at Highland Park Plastic Surgery Center and also serves as a final step in their weight loss journey.
Ideal Candidates
The ideal candidates for skin removal surgery are those who have loose and wrinkled skin due to losing a significant amount of weight. Generally, this issue is noticed early on during weight loss. If you have hanging skin, cosmetic skin removal at Highland Park Plastic Surgery Center can remove the deformity and secure the underlying tissue for a healthy, tighter look. It is important that patients be at their goal weight before undergoing this surgery.
Surgical Technique
Cosmetic skin removal surgery is generally considered a major treatment. It is performed using general anesthesia and can take about 2-4 hours, depending on how many areas of the body are being treated. Fat removal is usually used during surgery to remove fat, followed by skin excision. This operation does require larger incisions than less invasive cosmetic surgeries so scarring will be associated with this treatment. During surgery, every attempt is made by Dr. Toledo to place the incisions as inconspicuous as possible. Dr. Toledo or a member of his team will give you thorough scar care instructions for an effective outcome.
What to Expect
Once released from the surgery center, it is important to take a few days to recover at home. Tubes may be placed near the incision sites to help control drainage, and medical garments should be worn to help with swelling. On average, it takes roughly 7-10 days to get back to a full work day depending on the treatment plan. This surgery can be life changing for patients with visible results that are immediate. Finally, you will be able to wear the clothes you want and move freely without loose skin slowing you down.
Frequently Asked Questions
What will be included in my skin reduction surgery?
Typical body parts that are addressed in after weight loss surgery are the abdomen, buttocks, upper thighs, breasts, arms, and neck. During your consultation, Dr. Toledo will listen to your needs and concerns before performing a physical examination of your body. Once this is complete, he can give you his recommendations for what should be included in your after weight loss surgery.
When should I get my after weight loss surgery?
During the course of losing weight, the areas of loose skin will become more obvious and it is usually around this time that you should schedule a consultation at Highland Park Plastic Surgery Center. During this initial consultation, Dr. Toledo can talk to you about how to prepare for your surgery and what might be included in your treatment plan. Before moving forward with this procedure, you should be at or near your goal weight.
What will my recovery be like after surgery?
Your recovery will vary, depending on the extent of your surgery. If you had many areas treated, you should plan more time for your recovery. During your consultation, Dr. Toledo will let you know what you should expect during your recovery and tips to help you feel more comfortable. Follow-up appointments at Highland Park Plastic Surgery Center will need to be scheduled so Dr. Toledo can monitor your healing.

Reach Your Goals
Weight loss is such a wonderful achievement, and we congratulate you if you have met your specific goals. If loose and hanging skin is a current challenge, Dr. Toledo encourages you to learn about your options for skin removal surgery. After weight loss surgery can further transform your body and help you achieve and surpass all of the outstanding body goals you set for yourself. Contact Highland Park Plastic Surgery Center in Dallas, TX for more information.